Why I'm Embracing the Carnivore Diet in April 2024: A Defiant, Unapologetic Experiment With The Carnivore Diet

In the spirit of relentless self-improvement and bold defiance, April 2024 marks the beginning of my latest venture into the uncharted territories of dieting – the Carnivore Diet. This isn't just a whim or a fleeting New Year's resolution; it's a conscious, calculated decision driven by a desire to challenge norms, question mainstream narratives, and, frankly, stir the pot in the face of rampant virtue signalling.

Why the Carnivore Diet? I've never tried it, and that's reason enough in my book. I've always been one to push boundaries and test limits—whether in the gym, my personal growth, or my dietary choices. With its all-meat approach, the Carnivore Diet is as boundary-pushing as it gets. I also have had many of my clients get social media buzz about this way of eating, so before I gave any opinion, I thought I should try it out myself.

But there’s more to it than just the thrill of the experiment. The World Economic Forum (WEF) and the World Health Organisation (WHO), neither of whom I would take even the most minor health advice from anymore, have pushed for reduced meat consumption. I've decided to do the exact opposite in a classic me move. Why? Because I refuse to follow the herd, especially when that herd is being shepherded by organisations whose agendas often seem misaligned with individual health sovereignty.

Vegans, Food Rage and Virtue Signalling.

Let's not skirt around the topic. Vegans can be annoying. Not all, mind you, but a vocal minority who have turned dietary choice into an exhibition of moral superiority. The constant virtue signalling, the unasked-for dietary advice, and the smugness have become a tiresome backdrop to any conversation about food and health. So, part of this Carnivore Diet experiment is a counter-narrative, a proverbial middle finger to the preachy, self-righteous attitudes that have permeated the diet culture.

The Hype and the Hope

Online, the Carnivore Diet is either a miracle or a menace, depending on whom you ask. Tales of transformational health benefits sit side-by-side with dire warnings of long-term risks. I'm here to cut through the noise and see for myself. Does it live up to the hype? Will I emerge as a paragon of health, or is it just another dietary fad destined for the annals of misguided human experiments?

The Plan: Meat, Salt, Water, and a Dash of Rebellion

My diet will primarily consist of meat, eggs, salt, and water for the entire month. It’s as simple and radical as that. However, I'm not one to follow anything by the book. I'll incorporate a few modifications to suit my needs and the tail end of an Australian summer.

Low-Toxic Salads Once a Day: While hardcore carnivores might balk at the idea, I'll include a low-toxic salad in my daily regimen. This isn't a concession; it's a strategic choice to keep things balanced and to avoid turning my back entirely on plant-based nutrients.

Fruit, Because It Still Feels Like Summer: Australia in Summer is a smorgasbord of fresh, delicious fruits. It would be criminal to ignore the season's natural bounty. So, yes, fruits will be part of my diet in moderation.

Avocados for Fat and Fibre: I recognise the importance of healthy fats and fibre in my diet, so I will include avocados daily to ensure a well-rounded nutritional profile.

Supplementing with Grass-Fed Beef Liver Capsules: As someone who currently prefers not to eat organs, supplementing with grass-fed beef liver capsules allows me to benefit from the rich array of nutrients in organ meats without directly consuming them.

A Teaspoon or Two of Honey on Lower-Carb Days: To prevent falling into ketosis, which isn't my goal, I'll add a little honey to my diet. This will provide enough carbs to keep my energy levels balanced without deviating from my overall diet. 

Quadricarbs on Heavy Workout Days: Intense workouts are a staple of my life. I'll use quadricarbs on heavy workout days to support my training regimen. Energy needs must be met; I'm all for intelligent, strategic supplementation.

This journey is not about dogma or blind adherence to a set of rules. It's about exploration, defiance, and a touch of rebellion. It's about seeing what works for me as an individual, not what a committee of 'experts' deem appropriate.

The Anticipation and the Antagonism

I'm under no illusions—this experiment will ruffle feathers. Some will call it irresponsible, and others might find it inspiring. But frankly, I'm not doing it for the accolades or the approval. This is about personal discovery, challenging norms, and maybe, just maybe, finding a dietary approach that redefines what health means to me.

April 2024 is set to be a month of meat, a testament to the power of personal choice, and a challenge to the status quo. To my friends, family, and the legions of online commentators, prepare yourselves: it will be an exciting ride.

Watch this space…

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